Jiddu Krishnamurti- Most people are occupied with jobs...

Source: Youtube


The speaker has said that going to an office everyday from nine to five is an intolerable imprisonment. But in any society all kinds of jobs have to be done.

Is K's teaching therefore only for the few?

You have understood? 

Shall I read it again?...

3 Steps to Discovering Your Dream, Free eBook!

3 Steps to Discovering Your Dream, Free eBook!

Called to something greater but don’t know what?

What if you don’t know what your dream is?

What if one of the world’s leading experts on dream-building compiled everything she knew from her 40 years of experience and made it available in an eBook you could download and start reading today?

Because you’re part of my inner circle, I’ll let you in on this incredible bit of news. Best-selling author, speaker and dream-building expert, Mary Morrissey, has put together a NEW book called, The 3 Steps to Discovering Your Dream.

And today, you have a chance to download it at no cost! More>>> 

3 Steps to Discovering Your Dream, Free eBook!

A lesson in perspective | Adventure Travel

A lesson in perspective | Adventure Travel...

A lesson in perspective | Adventure Travel

Is this new brainwave program really the next-generation of meditation? Zen12 Meditation Review!

How to Squeeze 1-Hour of Meditation into Just 12 Mins... Zen12 Meditation!

By Karl Moore

My Personal Zen12 Review...

Is this new brainwave program really the next-generation of meditation?

Over 10 million Americans regularly practice meditation, according to Psychology Today magazine.

The benefits include enhanced brain power, massive improvements in health, and an increase in happiness and energy levels.

Yet with so many profound benefits, the real question is... Why aren't more people doing it?

Why Meditation Can Be So Difficult

If you're anything like me, you probably already know the answer: Meditation can be tough!

The main problem is that most people just don't have the time.

For best results, meditation requires 45-60 minutes of daily practice. The results aren't always immediately visible either. They typically build up over time.

But those aren't the only hurdles. Quietening a busy mind and calming a restless body have also been listed as two of the biggest reasons people don't give meditation a fair go.

However, there is a solution in sight.

The Scientific Answer to Meditation Woes

I recently got hold of a program that claims to be the next generation in meditation.

It's called Zen12.

Zen12 is an audio meditation program that uses special "brainwave" sounds to take the hassle out of meditation.

They claim that listening to one of their Zen12 sessions is easy. There are no rules, no emptying of your mind, no special positions. You just hit play, and let the session do the rest of the work for you.

They say the special sounds will automatically relax your mind and body. And each session lasts just twelve minutes, so it won't be a strain on your day.

I wasn't convinced. So I decided to try it out for myself.

Home Labs: My Twelve-Minute Experiment

I signed up to the Zen12 program for myself. I went for their full package, consisting of twelve full levels.

You listen to each level for a month, then move onto the next. Each level is also available in different "flavors": guided meditation, relaxation music, sounds of nature, and so on.

I opted for the relaxation music. And, as per the instructions, I hit play on my iPhone, sat back on my sofa, and chilled out.

Twelve minutes later, and I was coming round again.

Wow! I felt refreshed. I was calm and relaxed, while also focused. I felt like I was "on form", perhaps even "in the Zone" if I were being cliché.

I decided to credit my experience to the smoothie I had that morning, and went about my daily business. My day was productive, joyful, and better than usual in so many ways.

A couple of days later, after discrediting my smoothie theory, I decided to try the Zen12 session again. Same results. And then the next day: same results again.

It was astounding. I was finally discovering why everyone raved on about meditation!

Brainwave Sounds Help Me "Cheat" at Meditation

It's all down to our brainwaves, apparently.

Normal meditation requires you to access deeper mental states, which can take years of meditative practice to reach. Zen12 uses special 'brainwave' sounds which take you there quicker.

That means you basically get to "cheat" at meditation, and enjoy all of the results, quicker than ever before.

So, by just playing a simple MP3 and chilling out for 12 minutes, I was able to instantly enjoy the immediate benefits of an hour's meditation.

Every day I used Zen12, I felt more productive and positive overall.

I felt fresher, happier, more focused, more creative, more energetic than usual. And I'm told that there are dozens of cumulative brain power and health benefits too.

There was no battling with a busy mind, or constant fidgeting. I just "zenned" out, and got on with it. There was no issue with time either. It just takes 12 minutes, and you don't even have to do it each day.

Following in the Footsteps of Gandhi

Zen12 has genuinely changed my attitude toward meditation.

It's at the cutting-edge of a new wave of science that is helping us make our lives easier, while still tapping into the natural resources of the human mind.

This is meditation as it should be. Meditation 3.0. Mediation for the microwave age.

Whatever you want to call it, this works -- and even though you don't have to use it every day, I think I just might.

And I'm reminded of Ghandi, who once said: "I'm so busy today, I may have to meditate for two hours, instead of one."

But forget an hour. How about ... twelve minutes?

Rating: 10/10

Instant meditation results; just 12 minutes; actually works!
Cons: No telephone support.

Conclusion: Zen12 will change your meditation experience forever.

Click Here to Listen to Zen12 and Meditate:

Is this new brainwave program really the next-generation of meditation? Zen12 Meditation Review!

BBC - Future - Infographic: Absolute zero to ‘absolute hot’...

BBC Future takes the temperature of our planet – and the Universe – to find the hottest and coldest things ever measured.

How cold can it get on Earth? How hot can hot truly get? And, perhaps more importantly, what’s the ideal temperature a hazelnut souffle should be cooked at?

All important questions, and to find out the answers we’ve created the ultimate thermometer, which takes you from absolute zero to what scientists think is the absolute heat limit. Dress appropriately.

Source:  BBC - Future - Infographic: Absolute zero to ‘absolute hot’...

The Most Beautiful Way To Stop A Bully I've Ever Seen

Please share this video, and share and share some more! It may just be exactly what that one person needs to hear. Even if this does not apply to you...it may get to somebody who shares and, in turn, helps another!


You cannot end depression with a First Aid Kit.

By turn hilarious and haunting, poet Shane Koyczan puts his finger on the pulse of what it's like to be young and ... different. "To This Day," his spoken-word poem about bullying, captivated millions. Here, he gives a glorious, live reprise with backstory.

This guy started out as a bully. Where he ended up will surprise you. It surprised the audience too, so they went ahead and gave him a rousing standing ovation. It's worth watching every single inspirational minute of this.


Source: Youtube

Twelve Virtues of Rationality...

Twelve Virtues of Rationality

The first virtue is curiosity. 

A burning itch to know is higher than a solemn vow to pursue truth. To feel the burning itch of curiosity requires both that you be ignorant, and that you desire to relinquish your ignorance. If in your heart you believe you already know, or if in your heart you do not wish to know, then your questioning will be purposeless and your skills without direction. Curiosity seeks to annihilate itself; there is no curiosity that does not want an answer. The glory of glorious mystery is to be solved, after which it ceases to be mystery. Be wary of those who speak of being open-minded and modestly confess their ignorance. There is a time to confess your ignorance and a time to relinquish your ignorance.

The second virtue is relinquishment. 

P. C. Hodgell said: “That which can be destroyed by the truth should be.” Do not flinch from experiences that might destroy your beliefs. The thought you cannot think controls you more than thoughts you speak aloud. Submit yourself to ordeals and test yourself in fire. Relinquish the emotion which rests upon a mistaken belief, and seek to feel fully that emotion which fits the facts. If the iron approaches your face, and you believe it is hot, and it is cool, the Way opposes your fear. If the iron approaches your face, and you believe it is cool, and it is hot, the Way opposes your calm. Evaluate your beliefs first and then arrive at your emotions. Let yourself say: “If the iron is hot, I desire to believe it is hot, and if it is cool, I desire to believe it is cool.” Beware lest you become attached to beliefs you may not want.

The third virtue is lightness.

Let the winHds of evidence blow you about as though you are a leaf, with no direction of your own... Click Here to Read the Full Post>>>